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    A Key To Trust

    Trust. This word has been such a theme in my prayers, such a cry of my heart, of late. Do I trust God’s love for me? Do I trust God’s plan for me? Do I trust His sovereign reign? Do…

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    Normal to Weak

    This week has found me feeling weak.  If I’m honest, the past couple of weeks have found me feeling weak. No one thing has made me feel this way, but a series of heart-wrenching circumstances in my friend’s lives, weighty…

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    Kitchen Table Grace

    My kitchen table has become a sacred place for ministry. A sacred place for grace. I didn’t set out to make this the case. In fact, years ago, I often struggled with insecurity at inviting people over…fearing my house was…

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    The Pursuit

    This past year and a half has proved to be full of much growth and much pursuit–pursuit of knowledge, pursuit of relationship, pursuit of knowing and experiencing the character of God more fully–pursuit of holiness. It has not been a…

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    Sacred Soul Sisters

    “The world conspires against our souls, keeping our lives superficial. ‘Superficiality,’ said Richard Foster, ‘is the curse of our age.’ The desperate need of the soul is not for intelligence, nor talent, nor yet excitement; just depth…My soul becomes shallow…