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The Pursuit

This past year and a half has proved to be full of much growth and much pursuit–pursuit of knowledge, pursuit of relationship, pursuit of knowing and experiencing the character of God more fully–pursuit of holiness.

It has not been a pursuit of wealth, or a pursuit of things, not a pursuit of perfection or a pursuit of idealism, but rather a pursuit of wellness in Christ, a pursuit of the things that truly matter. And, as another calendar year prepares to close, and we prepare to turn the page on a fresh new year, I am left reflecting on the incredible difference the path of my pursuits has made.

I am left reflecting on the incredible emptiness that comes with pursuing perfection in circumstances, in relationships, or in externals and the incredible wholeness and peace that comes with pursuing grace and redemption in all of those things instead, and in pursuing the grace and heart of God, through Jesus Christ, instead. I am left reflecting on the incredible ways that Scripture has been made alive in my relationships and in my own heart, and the many ways that seeking His Kingdom (and His grace–my additional word here) first has allowed all other things to be provided in a perfect way.

The past two years have been tough. There have been tough circumstances, tough relationships, tough love, tough skin, and tough lessons, and yet, through all that has been tough, there has been a Lord and Savior, who has offered to yoke Himself to me, to make the tough times softer, to gently lead and knead my heart towards tenderness and grace, One who has sought and pursued me, and not once given up on me when, quite frankly, I knew better than to allow my heart and mind to go the places it went in my times of pain.

I am eager to see what the Lord continues to do as we are yoked together for the coming year. I know His ways can be trusted, and I have, once again, tasted and seen His goodness and grace in ways I could not have imagined experiencing (or even having needed to experience). This year I want to continue to pursue His holiness, His righteousness, His grace, as I continue to pursue His heart and His face. All because He pursued us and came to us, to save us, by His grace.

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