
We Don’t Already Have This

Last weekend, we took an impromptu stroll down memory lane. We dusted off a few of the good old VHS tapes full of precious memories, and sat down to enjoy reminiscing years gone by.

Years of our family’s life flashed before our eyes…Christmases, birthdays, dance recitals, school programs. Amazing how surreal it feels to watch those images, and have the very real memories and emotion wash over one’s mind, as if it were happening at this very point in time! To watch those images of little ones (an era where ALL of our children were shorter than their less than 5-foot-tall mama), and recall with such clarity the joy (and trial) of those years, and then to take my eyes from the television screen, to look around our living room with girls who are all taller than their mama…taking up adult-sized portions of couches, chairs, and floorspace…it’s hard to believe that so much has changed in such a seemingly short matter of time (6-8 years for some of the images).

One particular tape we watched has stuck with me in profound ways, as I think it is such a beautiful picture of joy…of childlike faith and wonder…and, yet, the mom in me remembers all too well the lesson that was behind the words. 

Around the time one of our daughters was turning 4 years old, our girls began receiving duplicate gifts from various relatives and friends. The first time this happened to this child, she was puzzled and responded with “Oh! We already have this one (insert puzzled look on face, biting lip)….but that’s okay, now we have two!” (a sweetly positive statement, and wonderful outlook; however, her daddy and I wished to instill a more-gracious-still response) We talked much about how it wasn’t even necessary to let the giver know that we already had a particular item—we shared that we can simply say “Thank you!” and let the giver know we are grateful for their gift (so as not to rob the joyful moment of giving)!

We talked about this much as a family–seeking to be gracious recipients of ALL gifts (from others and most certainly from God).

As we watched the family birthday party and Christmas gatherings unfold before our eyes (the birthday party and Christmas were days apart for this little one), there was one common phrase uttered enthusiastically from this child each and every time she pulled an item out from its wrapping…”We don’t already have THIS!” “oooo, and we don’t already have THIS, either!” “oh, and look, we don’t already have this!”

Over and over again, she would proudly hold the item up HIGH in the air, proclaim with great delight the fact that we had not previously owned said item, and, often, look back towards her parents as if to ask for approval to her application of the lesson.

Watching these moments brought that season of teaching back to mind in such a flash!

Watching the enthusiastic proclamation, this many years removed from that preschool-mom season, made me consider how apt that reply should be for each of us, as God’s children, to have upon the receipt of each gift!

“We Don’t Already Have This!”

“And, now, look at THAT! We don’t already have that, either!”

And, of course, to those gifts which we’ve already received (and perhaps don’t feel as though we need duplicates of—or perhaps that we don’t necessarily “want”)….”Thank you, Father, for this gift!” …

Trusting and knowing that it is always a good and perfect gift.

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